Auntie A: Ei, u siang gah kah oh qi liao hor? (你好像比较黑了一点?)
Ti Hooi: Boh la, wa bun deh de xi an ne oh eh~(没有啦,我本来就是酱黑的)
Auntie A: Si meh? (是咩?)
Ti Hooi: Siiiii~ wa chut xi de si an ne oh liao lo.(是!我一出世就是酱黑了的。)
Auntie B: Ah Hooi!An cua lu xiang gah pui qi liao, siboh? (阿惠,怎么你好像变肥了,是吗?)
Ti Hooi: (boh bian-ing)si meh? wa deng jit bang koh kah pui, ba lu kah san liao lo~(无奈-ing:是吗?我之前一阵子比较胖,现在已经比较廋了咯)
这些久久不见的亲戚朋友,最喜欢就是问这两道问题。哎呀,你们从小看到我大,难道不知道我的肤色本来就是酱黑的咩?还要问~害我每次还要笑嘻嘻地、非常大方地解释给你们听,你们却还要追根究底。。。好像要查我和父母的DNA酱,我知道,妈咪和弟弟都很白,爸爸也不黑,但是我confirm我是妈咪生的咯,因为我们的五官是有像的好不好?唉,请你们接受我是oh oh的现实,下次不要再问了okay?^^
13 years ago
cute lo~~~u....
i like ur hokkian part, funny betul!
aunties, all lao tao nao! mai kiela an ni jue lah!
i like ti hooi and boss hokkien...地方方言 more 人情味 :)
and i agree with u, about ur eyebrow and eyelash!
hahaha...i heard u told this story b4. hmm, i guess they dont have much questions to ask la.. so each and evy year they repeat and repeat. "jin eh si lao tao nao" =p
Boss: These auntiess very "chu bi" one la~
LV: I purposely deleted the music in my blog bcoz of u leh...so next time u can view my blog and leave comment dy~
Max: Why u always said i got tell u something, but i cant remember leh?
if im not mistaken...u told us when we yamcha...that time dunno why we touched about this topic d...then u said yalo yalo, evytime u go back then the aunties wil bla bla bla...(as above) =p
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