勿往人民脖子上架刀 学生组织坚决反对消费税
随着来临的国会即将针对消费税(Goods and Services Tax-GST)进行二读,学运及其他学生团体坚决反对政府实行消费税,因为它将加重人民的生活负担。现今,我国有大约 85%的工作人士是无需缴付个人所得税的,因此,一旦实行消费税,这些低收入以及中产阶级人民肯定会成为牺牲品。除此之外,联署的学生组织也质疑政府是否能够落实有效的退税系统,如果退税系统无法有效地操作的话,商家会面临现金周转不灵的困境。
相比起我国在2008年的4.6%经济成长率,2009年全年的经济 成长率萎缩至1.7%。与此同时,根据瑞银证券(UBS Securities)发布的报告,在2009年大马所承受的外汇储备损失是全亚洲最大的。雪上加霜的是,我国的外来直接投资从 2008 年的460亿跌至2009年的122亿,就连本地的私人投资也开始撤出大马,根据官方数据,在 2008年接近 1170亿令吉被撤出,而2009年上半年则有540亿令吉被撤出。
因此,我们学生组织认为政府当下应该解决的问题是要如何制造有利于投资者的 投资环境,而根本的条件就是打击贪污和舞弊,并且着手进行公共服务业、司法、警队以及高等教育 等的改革,解决缺乏有技能的员工以及因为朋党 臃肿而导致的效率问题,而并不是往人民的口袋打主意。在经济低靡的时候实行消费税,如同在低收入人民的脖子上架刀,这并不是一个体恤人民以及有长远建设的政府所为。
学生组织也希望借此呼吁全体人民响应反涨联盟(PROTES)的号召,出席于 3月15日在国会大厦举行的反消费税集会。消费税的影响甚广,受牵连的是来自各种族和各个阶层的人民,因此大家应该携手把反对消费税的心声传达出来,让国家领导者了解人民的忧虑和负担。
1. 博大前进阵线
2. 理大前进阵线
3. 北大前进阵线
4. 新纪元前进阵线
5. 马大新青年协会
6. 马大亲学生阵线
8. 全国大专联谊会
9. 马大华文学会
10. 理大华文学会
11. 北大华文学会
12. 博大华文学会
13. 国大华裔学生理事会
14. 工大华裔生理事会
Respect Public Will, Student Organizations Strongly Oppose GST
Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement (DEMA) together with 14 student organizations oppose the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and urge the government to focus on improving the country’s economy rather than peeping at the people’s pocket.
The coming Parliament sitting will have second reading on GST bill. Thus, the student organizations strongly oppose the implementation of GST because it will further burden the people. At the present, there are 85% of the people who are not paying income tax. If GST is implemented, the lower and middle income group will be affected. Besides that, the student groups also doubt that the government will be able to have an effective refund system. If the system does not function well, the business companies will face cash flow problem.
Compared to the economy growth at 4.6% in year 2008, last year our economy contracted at 1.7%. Meanwhile, according to UBS Securities Report, Malaysia suffered from the biggest foreign exchange reserve loss among Asian countries in year 2009. To add more on the economical fact, our FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) has dropped from 46 billion ringgit in 2008 to 12.2 billion ringgit in 2009. Even the local investment has been driven out from our country. 117 billion ringgit has been withdrawn from Malaysia in 2008 and the withdrawal reached 54 billion ringgit in the first half of 2009.
Therefore, the government should do whatever it can at best to create a convincing investment environment. To convince the investors, we must start with a series of reform in public servicing, judicial system, police and higher education institutions to counter the problem of lacking of skillful workforce and efficiency problem caused by cronies of the government. Peeping at the people’s pocket should never happen, especially when fundamental problems are not solved. The worst thing that a government will do is to implement GST when the people are not affording it and the last thing that a good government will do is to implement a policy without proper planning and understanding the people’s will.
DEMA and all the student organizations would like to call for the people to join the Anti-GST Protest organized by PROTES on 15 March at the Parliament. The impacts of GST will hit a wide range of people from all races and all classes of the society. Thus, everyone should walk hand in hand to express our thoughts on this bill, so that the leaders of the country would understand the worry and burden felt by the people.
Lastly, the student groups hope that the government will put the people’s will ahead of everything and do not implement GST, knowing that there is a huge public outcry. The government should be proactive in solving fundamental problems like corruption, safety and racial religious dispute, in order to help the people to walk out from the nightmare of poverty and hardship.
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