Realising Romance

Everyone went back at 6pm sharp on a Friday like today, except me. I don't want to be caught in the massive traffic jam...knowing that the traffic report is useless, as it does no good to predict....I bet you, Friday evening  + heavy rain = severe traffic jam. This formula is as true as Eintein's, as far as Kuala Lumpur is concerned.

Boring...even to surf Facebook. Let's just blog lah.

There was one case study that we did over a gathering last week..A guy who stays at Seri Kembangan happened to fall in love with a girl from Rawang. They meet each other once a week in average, during weekends. How do you think their transportation is? The guy drives for about 50km to Rawang to fetch the girl, then drives for 40km to Mid Valley, from Mid Valley to Rawang, and from Rawang to Seri Kembangan again. This will add up to 180km per day! Consider that he drives at the speed of 80km/hour (taking into account the traffic jam) he will need to spend about 2.5 hours on the road. This is equal to KL-Ipoh City Centre drive already. Laying down the numbers and analysing the data make it looks scary, but real.

This guy friend of mine is one of those endangered species in the world, so he will do the driving every week. But the thing is, is this necessary? Why don't they just drive from Seri Kembangan and Rawang, to meet at the city centre? From all the education that I receive throughout the years, minus the bad influence of TV series, the logical thing to do is to cut cost and save time.

There are also different opinions on the other hand. I don't doubt that having my boyfriend to fetch me is better than I drive myself, definitely no doubt. But the common sense that I know about love (which I still don't really understand about love) is to put yourself into the other half's shoes. By imagining you need to drive up to Seri Kembangan and then KL, back to Seri Kembangan, then back to Rawang again, is already torturing enough. So why do the same to your loved ones?

Those endangered species will always say, I'm fine to drive. Memanglah fine, but at the same time it's also tiring....that's why their population is getting lesser by time. What I'm trying to convey is that the guys' angel-like character and the pursuit of romance do not retionalise all our demands.

People who read this might find me harsh, imagine if I voice it out loud, I'd probably be boycotted.

To all my dearest girl friends, nothing is eternal except change. The meaning of love and the way we love are also dynamic. Things that work well during the Elizabethan era don't work out now, that's why we don't have a second William Shakespeare here. There was no internet, no highway back then that a guy can be a full time lover. Now...if your boyfriend recites Sonnet 18 to you, you'll probably bring him to the doctor.

I just feel strange la....and curious, will my philosophy work? Or it is the other way round? Hmm...

P/s: Fong Fong don't scold me ya, I'm not talking about you.... :p


Mieko Neo said...

I'm totally agree that as a lady or women, we should independent ourselves. If we depend to much from a guy or man for a long time, he will feel imbalance and finally end up with broke-up. Too much of example right now to remind us be a wisdom lady/women.As a lady, yang o is kind of weapon, bt cannot over.
Regarding to the traffic jam at KL, i dont hv commend, M'sia really jam everywhere. Especially friday, it can start to jam from aftnoon 12pm to night 10pm, waktu sembayang sampai waktu balik kampung. So, the best is Friday better don't come out...

nolwenn said...

I'm worry of the endanger-guy up there, hope he will be fine and really enjoy the distance driving ~

ShiQing said...

People do have different opinions on this issue, and I'm one who agree with you very much.

Gender equality doesn't just fall from the sky. When women want equal opportunities, they have to be ready to "give up" some privileges at the same time.

By the way, I love this: "that's why their population is getting lesser by time". LOL..

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